Home Sports Henrikh Mkhitaryan ‘flies out to Roma’ for a loan move

Henrikh Mkhitaryan ‘flies out to Roma’ for a loan move


Henrikh Mkhitryan has travelled out to Roma for a medical ahead of a last-ditch loan move from Arsenal, according to reports.

The news was confirmed by Roma Radio on Monday morning and he is due to land  at Fiumicino Airport at 9:55am.

It is reported that the Armenian star will seal a season-long loan deal with Roma having an option to buy at the end of the season.

The Serie A outfit will pay a loan fee as well as covering the 30-year-old’s wages for the duration of the loan.

He has struggled for form since joining the Gunners from Manchester United in an exchange deal with Alexis Sanchez – who has already departed for Inter Milan this summer.

Mkhitaryan came off the bench in Arsenal’s 2-2 draw with north London rivals Tottenham on Sunday but now looks ready to leave the Emirates Stadium.


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