Home News 21-year old student killed by armed robbers

21-year old student killed by armed robbers


A 21-year old Student of Bole Secondary School in the Bole District of the Northern region of Ghana who has been identified as Mohammed Talhatu was shot in the womb.

Mohammed Talhatu battling for her life.


Talhatu,a second year student had her liver and intestines badly destroyed, after some unknown gunmen besieged the Sawla-Fulfulso-Tamale road and attacked passengers.

The incident occurred at Janukura along the Sawla-Fulfulso road in the Central Gonja District of the Northern Region of Ghana at about 7:00pm,after the robbers blocked about 11 buses from moving.

They shot sporadically at the buses in an attempt to stop movement injuring five people on the spot and made away with valuable properties of victims,an eye witness said.

The driver of a Kia Rhino truck carrying passengers from Buipe market was shot on the arm after he attempted to swerve the robbers.

The robbers however fled before the police and community members could arrive at the scene.

Talhatu was rushed to the West Gonja Catholic hospital where she was receiving critical care until her death.

Doctors and nurses of the hospital tried very hard to rescue her life.The public also responded promptly to calls to donate blood to save her life.

Talhatu finally passed away on thursday afternoon at the West Gonja hospital.Her mortal remains has since been moved to Busunu her home town for burial.

The “Operation Calm Life” SWAT team is currently under intense public criticism as to the kind of lives the team was actually calming.
Many out of anger are calling for the dissolution of the body.

The wrath of God and the soul of this innocent girl surely will descend heavily on the perpetrators of this dastardly act, some have started cursing the wind as they lament.

Source: Ananpansah B Abraham


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