Home News LIVESTREAMING: Day 5 of Commission of Inquiry probing into Ayawaso West Wuogon...

LIVESTREAMING: Day 5 of Commission of Inquiry probing into Ayawaso West Wuogon violence


It’s day 5 of the sitting of the three-member Commission of Inquiry set up to investigate events surrounding the Ayawaso clashes continuosly grills various persons connected to that day’s events.

The Commission comprising Chairperson, CHRAJ Boss, Justice Emile Short, renowned law lecturer, Prof. Henrietta Bonsu as well as Patrick Acheampong, will among other things, investigate circumstances leading to at least six persons sustaining gunshot wounds and other infractions during the polls and question witnesses and key parties involved.

Kofi Abotsi Of Ghana Institute of Management and Public Administration (GIMPA) Law School is serving as its secretary.

Justice Emile Short ahead of the probing noted that the commission won’t be restricted to only the Ayawaso West Wuogon violence although the evidence expected will be confined to it.

All three Ministers concerned with state security appeared before the committee Thursday to give their testimonies and answer questions. Interior Minister, Ambrose Dery, National Security Minister, Albert Kan Dapaah and Minister of State in charge of Security, Bryan Acheampong all addressed questions in their respective capacities.

Chairperson of the Electoral Commission, Jean Mensa and some police officials also appeared before the Commission during its second sitting on Friday.

The third sitting saw Deputy Superintendent of Police (DSP) Samuel Kojo Azugu, Commander, Special Weapons and Tactics (SWAT) Team of the National Security and General Secretary of the Progressive Peoples Party [PPP], Murtala Mohammed appear before the commission.

Accra Regional Commander, DCOP Patrick Adusei Sarpong also made appearance on the fourth day of the sitting.

Watch a livestream of the program here:

Source: Ghanaweb


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