Home Sports 2019 AFCON: Anas exposè won’t affect our performance – Kwasi Appiah

2019 AFCON: Anas exposè won’t affect our performance – Kwasi Appiah


Black Stars coach Kwasi Appiah has stated emphatically that the Anas Number 12 exposè cannot curtail his side’s ambition of ending their 37-year title drought at the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations in Egypt.

The Black Stars are aiming to end their 37-year wait for continental success, having won their last title in 1982.

Kwesi Appiah’s side have come close to ending their drought at the last six tournaments, having reached the semi-finals, and even going as far as the final in 2010 and 2015.

On Friday, the four-time Africa champions were pitted in Group F alongside Benin, Cameroon and Guinea Bissau.

In the aftermath of the draw in Sphinx, Egypt, the 58-year-old was quizzed if the Anas Number12 exposè could affect their tournament ambition.

“It’s unfortunate that I couldn’t give local players more playing chance because of the incident [Anas Number 12 exposè] which happened Ghana,” Appiah said.

“We could not play league championship because of that so we had to rely mostly on foreign players and as you know players are professionals and when it comes to their work the concentration is what they need to give out so I believe that it’s not going to have too much effect on us, we are going to come out there and give the best we can.”

Football relating activities in the country was halted following last year’s Anas Number 12 exposè which revealed rot in the Ghana Football Association.

Source: Ghanasoccernet


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